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ChungCheong Metro Union Council


ChungCheong Metro Union Council

  • 전체메뉴
  • 외부링크
  • 누리집지도
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Welcome to

ChungCheong Metro Union Council


Honored 5.6 million residents of the region of Chungcheong-do province!
Roh Keum-sik, the first chairperson of Chungcheong Metropolitan Union Council, sends greetings to you.

Roh Keum-sik

Honored 5.6 million residents of the region of Chungcheong-do province!
Roh Keum-sik, the first chairperson of Chungcheong Metropolitan Union Council, sends greetings to you.

Chungcheong Metropolitan Union Council is a special local government legislative organization established to combine the four cities and provinces of the Chungcheong-do region in an effort to resolve mutual tasks and enhance the quality of local residents.

Chungcheong Metropolitan Union Council is a part of the grand step forward that will open a new horizon for South Korea’s history of autonomous local governments. Our mission is to meet your expectations, foster mutual cooperation, and listen to the diverse opinions of the councilors.

The power of Chungcheong-do, the heart and backbone of South Korea, emanates from its unified cooperation. Through mediation and communication, we will realize the common good for the region and establish an exemplary metropolitan union council to be the new standard for the harmonious development of the nation.

Let us usher in the “New Age of the Regional Area, an Age of Prosperity for Chungcheong-do Province!”

Thank you.

Chair of the Chungcheong Metropolitan Union Council Roh Keum-sik